The Lion King is a musical based on the 1994 Disney animated film of the same name with music by Elton John and lyrics by Tim Rice along with the musical score created by Hans Zimmerwith choral arrangements by Lebo M. Directed by Julie Taymore, the musical features actors in animal costumes as well as giant, hollow puppets. The show is produced by Disney Theatrical.
The Lion king team is arriving in SG! I've already heard that it was really nice in U.S. so I was waiting for the proper timing :p One friend invited me to go together to see the Lion king :)
The conclusion is was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8 p.m
Marina bay sands
The show was running for 3 hours. (it had 15mins intermission) And my seat was the first row in the middle ;p (perfect! S$243..) So I can see and feel everything.. the live faces of actor & actress..their sweat.. their dynamic movings.. How could I forget these.. :)My favorite character was ZAZU! I wondered how could they express the Bird.. Because ZAZU is the main character and it also has dialogues.. buttttttt! it was really brilliant! The voice was really similar with the animation and also Cameron Pow(Actor)'s acting was funny and made me smile ;) So LOVELY♥Haha
Also Rafiki..Scar..of course Simba..oh! Timon and Pumbaa ;p actually.. all!! I love all characters in the Lion King eheh
One of the most memorable scenes was.. when Simba met Pumbaa and Timon ;) They were being friends each other although Simba was a lion haha. And They sang a song together! "Hakuna matata" It means no worry:)♩♪
Nowadays.. I'm listening the OST of Lion King :) and these are also touching..haha Am I so emotional? eheh :)
You must see the Lion King!! I warrant you! This is one of the best musicals I've ever seen.